Cell Envelope Antibacterials (CLEAR)

Grant Agreement ID
Implementation period
01/01/2024 – 31/12/2027
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Call for proposal
Total Budget
€ 2 706 538 (EU contribution € 2 706 538)
Project participants
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS), Latvia
Institute of Biomedicine of Valencia, Spanish National Research Council
Statens Serum Institut, Denmark
Tübingen University, Germany
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
University College Cork, Ireland
Spin-off company CMD-COAT Belgium
Company NAICONS, Italy
Project leader in LIOS
Prof. Aigars Jirgensons
LIOS Budget
€ 233 244 (EU contribution € 233 244)


The research program addresses the challenge of Gram-positive bacterial pathogens such as methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and proposes that the bacterial cell envelope offers novel possibilities for antimicrobial therapy in addition to the well-known B-lactams. The program is based on unique findings that allow innovative and yet feasible approaches involving 1) identification of novel targets in the cell envelope and lead structures of novel agents, 2) re-sensitizing resistant bacteria to existing cell wall antibiotics, and development of novel therapies acting via the cell envelope.


The training program combines a broad range of scientific disciplines such as molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology, screening technologies, pre-clinical testing with complementary courses in innovation, market potential and business strategies ensuring that the PhDs will be highly competitive for both top European research institutions and the pharma/biotech job market.

The research training is hosted by universities with a strong track record of graduate training as well as by SMEs with dedicated research activities in the field and it is composed of an ambitious scientific program flanked by essential generic training courses with ample opportunity for networking at network meetings, conferences, and shared secondments.

The ambition of CLEAR is to train young researchers to be prepared for the challenges of tomorrow while today provide excellent research with scientific and societal impact.