Grant Agreement ID | 823893 |
Implementation period | 01.02.2019. – 31.10.2023. |
Programmes | H2020-EU.1.4. – EXCELLENT SCIENCE – Research Infrastructures (main programme) |
H2020-EU. – Developing new world-class research infrastructures | |
Call reference | H2020-INFRADEV-2018-2020 |
Topic | INFRADEV-03-2018-2019 – Individual support to ESFRI and other world-class research infrastructures |
Project coordinator | European Research Infrastructure Consortium for Chemical Biology (EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC) |
Location (34 partners) | Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Latvia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland |
Project leader from LIOS | Prof. Aigars Jirgensons |
Total budget | € 4 999 563 (EU contribution) |
LIOS budget | € 111 335 (EU contribution) |
Project website | |
Sustainability of EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC (EU-OS), the European Research Infrastructure Consortium for Chemical Biology, hinges on promoting awareness to academia and industry of its services and data. The EU-funded EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE project (DRIVE) will help EU-OS deliver its added value via reuse of data and chemical tools by users around the world. EU-OS provides access to a unique compound collection and a network of screening and chemistry facilities to develop these tools for basic research and therapeutics. DRIVE expands on core services by adding chemoproteomics and fragment screening competencies, by providing access to a database and central office that manages the collection and coordinates project flow and training, and by increasing the competitiveness of European industries through generating innovation in health research.