Novel method for cobalt catalyzed C(sp2)-H functionalization of phenylglycinol derivatives

Dr. Grigorjeva (Organic Synthesis Methodology group) have developed a new method for cobalt catalyzed C(sp2)-H functionalization of phenylglycinol derivatives with terminal and internal alkynes directed by picolinamide auxiliary. Elaborated method offers an efficient and highly regioselective route for the synthesis of 1-hydroxymethyltetrahydroisoquinolines.

The Journal of Organic Chemistry (IF=4.745, 2018) accepted this methodology for publication:

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Jekaterina Bolsakova, Lukass Lukasevics, Liene Grigorjeva*
Cobalt-catalyzed, directed C-H functionalization/annulation of phenylglycinol derivatives with alkynes.
J. Org. Chem. 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acs.joc.0c00207

*This research was financially supported by ERDF project Nr.