Latest Updates on Grant Calls from LIOS and BMC

Grant application are closed

At the end of December, the call for proposal applications for grants announced by the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS) and the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre (BMC) was closed. On December 15, the application for research and development grants was closed. On December 20, applications for academic career and doctoral career grants were closed.

Research and development grants

“In the announced research and development grant competition, a total of 17 project applications were received – 9 of them were prepared and submitted by researchers from the LIOS, and 8 by researchers from the BMC.

The administrative evaluation of all project applications has been completed according to the administrative criteria, and all project applications have been sent for scientific quality evaluation, which is provided by the Latvian Science Council.

Academic career grants

In the competition, a total of 60 applications have been received, including:

  • 40 postdoctoral grant applications – 22 of them prepared and submitted by researchers from the LIOS and 18 by researchers from theBMC.
  • 20 researcher (professor) grant applications – 11 of them prepared and submitted by LIOS researchers and 9 by BMC researchers.

The administrative evaluation of all project applications has been completed according to the administrative criteria, and all project applications have been sent for scientific quality evaluation, which is provided by the Latvian Science Council.

Doctoral career grants

In the competition, 19 academic career doctoral grant applications have been received and approved for funding.

The grants call is announced within the framework of the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Mechanism Plan 5.2. of the reform and investment direction “Ensuring the Change of the Higher Education Governance Model” 5.2.1.r. reform “Higher Education and Science Excellence and Governance Reform” investments “Research, Development and Consolidation Grants” second round “Consolidation and Implementation Grants for Governance Changes” project implementation rules.