Looking for innovative solutions for the treatment of metabolic diseases, the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS), under the leadership of Prof. Maija Dambrova, launched an ambitious five-year project supported by the European Union Structural Funds at the end of last year. The project, titled “Functional Omics Analysis of Metabolic Diseases to Advance Drug Discovery Research Excellence in LIOS”
The funding received for the implementation of this scientific initiative—approximately €2.5 million—will be invested in the search for new, effective drugs and molecular targets for the treatment of metabolic diseases.
As part of the project, a newly established Metabolic Research Group will be guided by a renowned expert in the field, Prof. Helgi B. Schiöth from Uppsala University.
The official launch of the TARGETWISE project took place on December 14 at LIOS. In her heartfelt address, project leader Prof. Maija Dambrova expressed her gratitude to the attendees for their involvement and active participation. She emphasized the importance of teamwork in the successful execution of the project and wished the participants continued productive and creative collaboration.
The audience was also addressed by Acting Director of LIOS, Dr. Chem. Osvalds Pugovičs, who thanked everyone for their contributions thus far and wished them success in project implementation, highlighting its significance and impact on the development of science and the institute.
The launch event was enriched by a lecture from Uppsala University’s Associate Professor Olga Titova, titled “Plasma Protein Profiling of Cardiovascular Diseases: Novel Biomarkers and Molecular Mechanisms.” Associate Professor Olga Titova’s research combines registry-based and large-scale cohort study designs, Mendelian randomization, omics, and advanced biostatistical analysis to investigate the effect of modifiable risk factors on the development of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, cancer, and mortality with the main focus on understanding disease prevention, risk stratification, and the underlying mechanisms of disease development.
Following the lecture, an engaging and productive scientific discussion unfolded, involving LIOS researchers and External Advisory Board member Prof. Ilze Konrāde. The discussion sparked new ideas and inspiration for future collaborations and research directions.
The opportunity to implement the TARGETWISE project will enhance LIOS’s scientific capabilities, drive excellence, and support the institute’s goal of becoming a leading European research centre.