In Vitro
Cell culture lab
- Thermo Scientific Heracell VIOS 160i CO2 incubator
- Kojair KR-130 BW MSC CLII biological safety cabinet
- Ruskin Technologies Hypoxia Workstation InVivoO2
- Leica DM IL LED inverted fluorescencei microscope
- Nikon Eclipse TE300 inverted fluorescence microscope
- Nikon Eclipse 50i fluorescence microscope
- Hersafe HS 12 Class 2 Safety Cabinets
- Heracell 150 CO2 incubator
- Heraeus CO2 incubator
Liquid handling, Plate readers, Radioactivity counting
- Gilson PIPETMAX automated liquid handling platform
- BioTek uQuant Microplate Reader cuvette and 96-well spectrometer
- Hidex Sense multimode microplate reader with dispenser
- PerkinElmer MicroBeta2
- MicroBeta TriLux scintillation counters
- Connectorate AG “Inotech“ Harvester for 96-well microplates
- Tecan Infinite M1000 multifunctional microplate reader
- Thermo Scientific Multiskan EX microplate photometer
- Fluoroskan Ascent Microplate Fluorometer
WB, RT-PCR assays
- Fisher Scientific Owl gel electrophoresis system
- Thermo Scientific iBlot 2 Dry Blotting System
- Azure c400 Visible Fluorescent Western Blot Imaging System
- BMS Mic qPCR Cycler
- Applied Biosystems Prism 7500 Real-Time PCR Systems
- 2 Leica CM 1850 cryostats
- Thermo Scientific HM 355S Automatic Microtome
- Thermo Scientific Gemini AS Automated Slide Stainer
- Thermo Scientific STP 120 Spin Tissue Processor
Ex Vivo studies
Isolated organs
- ADInstruments Langendorff and Working isolated heart and tissue preparations in vitro PowerLab system 8/30 for data registration
- DMT DInstruments Multi Wire Myograph System
- Panlab 8-Chamber Organ Baths
Mitochondria metabolism studies
- Oroboros 5 Oxygraph Systems for mitochondria research
In Vivo studies
Rodent Housing
- Allentown NexGen individually ventilated cage (IVC) system for the housing of mice and rats as well as complementary changing stations, cage cleaning washing and sterilization equipment
In vivo and ex vivo imaging
- BD FACSMelody flow cytometer with cell sorter
- TriFoil InSyTe FLECT/CT™ fluorescence emission tomography preclinical imaging system with integrated X-ray computed tomography
- Azure c400 Visible Fluorescent Imaging System
- Philips iE33 Ultrasound Machine
- Noldus EthoVision XT
- Image Pro and Image Pro Plus paenemetric analysis software
Mouse phenotyping
- TSE Phenomaster 8 cage system
- TSE 4 Treadmill system with indirect calorimetry
- TSE Stellar telemetry system
Surgery equipment
- Scanbur Heated and ventilated operating tables
- Ugo Basile and Kent Scientific Gas Anesthesia (isoflurane) systems
- Ugo Basile Rodent Ventilator
- Hugo Sachs Elektronik HSE Harvard Apparatus Homeothermic Controller
- Surgical glasses HEINE ML4 LED HeadLight with HR / HRP Optics
- Leica M80 microscope, Leica MZ6 and Nikon SMZ7455 microscopes
- Stoelting Co. Stereotaxic system with digital controller, micromotor drill and injector
- ADInstruments PowerLab systems for ECG, invasive and non-invasive blood pressure measurements
- Philips iE33 Ultrasound Machine
- AmScien Instruments Fluid Percussion Device and LIOS Weight-drop device for traumatic brain injury
Animal behavior – Memory evaluation
- San Diego Instruments GEMINI™ Active and Passive Avoidance System
- Ugo Basile Passive Avoidance – Step through
- Ugo Basile Fear Conditioning System
- Ugo Basile Lickometer Vogel Test
- Ugo Basile Morris Water Maze with Atlantis Platforms
- Stoelting Co. The Radial 8-Arm Maze
- LIOS Barnes Maze
- LIOS Y-maze
- LIOS Tapered/ledged beam-walking
Animal behavior – Pain and inflammation
- Ugo Basile Hot/Cold Plate
- Ugo Basile P.A.M. Pressure Application Measurement
- Ugo Basile Dynamic Plantar Aesthesiometer
- Ugo Basile Hargreaves Apparatus Plantar Test instrument
- IITC Life science Penta – 5 in 1 Electronic von Frey, Randall Selitto, Plethysmomete, Grip Strength, Rodent Pincher
- Panlab Tail-flick Meter
Animal behavior – Motor Coordination, Activity
- Ugo Basile Rat RotaRod
- Ugo Basile Mouse RotaRod
- Ugo Basile Rotometer
- Panlab Open Field Cages
- Campden Instruments Ltd. Staircase apparatus
- Ugo Basile Sociability Apparatus (3-chambered social test)
Animal behavior – Anxiety and depression
- Stoelting Co. Tail-suspension
- Stoelting Co. Porsolt (forced swim) cylinder
- LIOS Elevated plus maze
- LIOS Elevated Zero-Maze
Sample preparation and storage
- Cryoplus 200L LN2 storage systems
- Beckman Coulter Optima™ L-80 XP ultracentrifuge
- Labconco FreeZone 2.5 Liter Benchtop Freeze Dry Systems
- Laboratory refrigerators and freezers (-180°C, -80°C, -20°C, +4°C and Icemaker
- Martin Christ Rotational Vacuum Concentrator RVC 2-25 CDPlus
- Omni Bead Ruptor, IKA Ultra-Turrax, Cole-Parmer Ultrasonic processor and Teflon-glass homogenizers