Preparative flash chromatography systems:
- with automatic fraction collectors and UV detector for normal and reversed phase chromatography (Biotage and Armen Instruments)
- with automatic fraction collector and ELSD detector for normal and reverse phase chromatography (Reveleris)
Preparative HPLC systems:
- with mass-triggered detector (Waters)
- with UV detectors (Shimadzu)
Analytical UPLC systems with MS selective detectors, ES ionization (Waters)
GC/MS systems (Agilent Technologies)
Vacuum centrifuges (Genevac) and sample evaporation system (Biotage V-10)
Parallel synthesis carousel (Radleys)
Microwave synthesizer (Biotage)
Flow reaction systems (X-Cube and Uniqsys)
Glovebox for handling of air and moisture sensitive materials (MBraun)
Solvent purification station for delivery of high grade reaction solvents: Et2O, Tol, THF, DCM (MBraun)
MestRenova NMR processing software, ChemDraw Professional 15.1 software
Sci-Finder and Scopus database search tools
Reagent and building block stocks with ca 10’000 chemicals both commercial and self-made
Chemo- and bioinformatics resources:
- Shroedinger, Gaussian and PyMol softwares for computer assisted drug design
- 120 CPU/20 GPU Computer cluster