Widening Synergies for Novel Enzymes Development (WIDEnzymes)

Grant Agreement ID
Implementation period
01/04/2024 – 31/03/2027
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (LIOS), Latvia
Call for proposal
Total Budget
€ 1 199 475,00 (EU contribution € 1 199 475,00)
Project participants
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava(STUBA), Slovakia
University of Crete (UoC), Greece
Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI), Italy
Teamit Research SL (Teamit), Spain
Project leader in LIOS
Dr. Emilio Parisini
LIOS Budget
€ 419 750,00 (EU contribution € 419 750,00)

The WIDEnzymes project aims to foster the creation of a unique cross-border collaborative ecosystem devoted to advancing enzyme technology in the EU.

This endeavor follows the well-established Profiling Regional Innovation Ecosystems methodology and centers its efforts on two key domains: joint internationalization and inclusive talent development.

Through the implementation of strong synergies within the consortium, beneficiaries will be able to both enhance their potential and increase the impact of their research projects significantly. Sharing competencies and state-of-the-art equipment will allow the beneficiaries to increase their critical mass and scientific excellence, and therefore to compete in Horizon Europe calls with European countries whose R&I potential is traditionally more established.

The inclusion of two non-widening partners, one academic and one SME, with strong expertise in innovations’ exploitation, large public-private partnerships, and different EU funding applications is a key accelerator factor to elevate the consortium’s preparedness and competitiveness.

It is envisioned that the vigorous training and student exchange program implemented by WIDEnzymes will attract students and young researchers alike, thus allowing the creation of a highly educated and competitive workforce that can tackle ambitious research projects and secure funding at the European level.

The WIDEnzymes project seeks to bridge borders and boundaries in the pursuit of cutting-edge enzyme technology. By fostering collaboration, leveraging funding opportunities, nurturing talent, adopting a multisector approach, and enhancing visibility, we aim to propel enzyme technology to new heights. Through these endeavors, we aspire to make a lasting impact on science, industry, and the society at large.