Boosting health research and innovation
Research and innovation (R&I) plays a pivotal role in addressing Europe’s societal challenges including ensuring health and well-being of the citizens. Differences still persist in R&I performance between countries despite significant investments. In the health sector, the R&I gap can profoundly affect the quality of health and life of European citizens.
Continuing the success of Alliance4Life, the EU-funded A4L_ACTIONS project aims to tackle the health R&I gap by improving the culture, governance, recognition and innovation potential of the health research-performing institutions in the lower-performing Central and Eastern European countries. This will help increase their attractiveness and pave the way for collaborations with advanced European countries.
Acronym | A4L_ACTIONS |
Web page | http://alliance4life.ceitec.cz/ |
Grant Agreement ID | 964997 |
Programme | H2020-EU.3.1.6. – Health care provision and integrated care |
Call reference | H2020-SC1-2020-Single-Stage-RTD |
Implementation period | 01.05.2021. – 30.04.2024. |
Project coordinator | The Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) at Masaryk University, Czech Republic |
Project partners | The International Clinical Research Center of St. Anne’s University Hospital in Brno, Czech Republic |
Biomedical Research Center Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia | |
The Medical University of Lodz, Poland | |
University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia | |
University of Tartu, Estonia
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Vilnius University, Lithuania
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Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, Latvia
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University of Ljubljana, Slovenia | |
Semmelweis University, Hungary | |
Medical University Sofia, Bulgaria | |
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania | |
Leader of LIOS team | Dr. Osvalds Pugovičs |
Total Budget | € 1 999 932,50 |
LIOS Budget (EU contribution) | € 155 912,50 |
The gap in Research and Innovation (R&I) performance, which persists despite considerable investments from the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) in the lower-performing regions of the EU, is an issue with major socio-economic and political consequences. In Health R&I the gap has a profound impact on distribution of funding from the EU Framework Programmes as well as on hindering the EU-wide impact of R&I on health and quality of life.
With A4L_ACTIONS, we aim to address roots of this situation in the lower-performing Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) by improving culture, governance, recognition and innovation potential of the health research-performing institutions. Our goal is to increase their attractiveness for collaborations with advanced Europe and create spill-over effects in the whole region. As the Alliance4Life, we are an established network of progressive health research institutions in CEE and a source of successfully piloted good practice. By building upon our results and impact achieved so far, we will convert our recommendations and strategies into actions as follows:
- Culture fostering excellence: piloting peer-evaluation and assessment of institutional practice as a strategic management tool, professionalizing research administration;
- Recognition and trust towards CEE: attracting advanced partners to identified pockets of excellence, supporting scientific ideas originating in CEE, initiating new international projects and collaborations with industry;
- Career policy nurturing talent: training and networking next generation of leaders, upgrading institutional career systems;
- Impact on innovation: raising the competences of Technology Transfer specialists, creating industry relations platform linking academia and industry;
- Spill-over effects: sharing, inspiring, communicating with stakeholders and policy makers; using the established networks to gain advice, new collaborations and EU-wide impact.