In recognition of their outstanding contributions to the advancement of Latvian science, the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LZA) presented awards at its first session of 2025, held on 21 January.
The prizes, awarded across various categories, reflected the recipients’ experience and accomplishments.
Three early-career researchers from LIOS were among the honourees.
Ph.D. Anna Lielpetere Lielpētere – received the Edvīns Vedējs Chemistry Award for her research, “Electrochemical Oxidation of Stannylmethyl Ethers and Furan Derivatives to Develop New Synthetic Methods”. Supervisor: LZA Full Member Aigars Jirgensons.
Mg.chem. Mārtiņš Ķaukulis – was recognised with the Mārtiņš Straumanis – Alfrēds Ieviņš Chemistry Award for his study, “Synthesis of Fluorinated 2-Methylenetetrahydropyridines and Their Reactivity”. Supervisors: Dr.pharm. M. Ruciņš and Dr.chem. N. Pikun.
The LZA Young Researcher Award was also presented to:
Mg.chem. Laura Pauniņa – for her project, “Synthesis of Amino Acids Containing N-Heterocycles”. Supervisor: LZA Corresponding Member Janis Veliks.
The formal presentation of these awards will take place on 3 April during the LZA Spring General Assembly.