From October 28 to 29, the 12th Paul Walden Symposium took place virtually.
The Paul Walden Symposium on Organic Chemistry has become a tradition. It brings together scientists, scholars, and students from the universities, research institutes, and representatives of the Baltic States in Paul Walden’s homeland once every two years.
Despite the COVID-related restrictions, all the established traditions of the Walden Symposium – plenary lectures by distinguished speakers and a poster session by the students, were maintained.
Seven renowned and respected lecturers – Robert Francke, Veronique Gouverneur, Paul Knochel, Daniele Leonori, Martin Oestreich, Troels Skrydstrup, and Alan Spivey gave lectures on their outstanding research in the field of organic chemistry.
The Symposium was opened with the Paul Walden medal presentation. In 2021 the medal for research in the selenium chemistry was awarded to Dr. chem. Pavel Arsenyan (Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis) by Professor Māris Turks, Dean of the Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry (Riga Technical University). Pavel Arsenyan later gave a lecture on his research about selenium in medicinal and materials chemistry.
For the two best Latvian PhD students there was an opportunity to give oral presentations on their research. This year the presentations were by Sindija Lapčinska and Lūkass T. Lukašēvics.
This year the poster prize for the four best posters was sponsored by the chemical equipment company Armgate. The recipients of the prize were: PhD students Viktorija Vitkovska and Glebs Jeršovs, MSc student Armands Sperga and BSc student Olavs Rāciņš.

The Symposium was organized by the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis and the Riga Technical University.
Event is supported by the European Regional Development Fund “Support for international cooperation projects in research and innovation in Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis”, contract No.