Engineering and functionalization of delivery system with Pelargonium sidoides biologically active substance on inflamed periodontal surface area


Call M-ERA.NET Call 2016 “Interfaces between materials and biological hosts for health applications”
Implementation period 01.09.2017. – 31.08.2019.
Project coordinator Dr. Nijole Savickiene, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Project partners Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, Latvia
Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
Riga Stradins University, Laboratory of Biochemistry, Latvia
UAB Ferentis, Lithuania
Leader of Latvian team Prof. Maija Dambrova
Total Costs 556 546 EUR
Costs for Latvian partner 45 650 EUR


Periodontitis treatment include use of antibiotics and synthetic antiseptics that is accompanied by systemic side effects and increased bacterial resistance. Such strategy is not suitable for prolonged or repeatable treatment and fails to stop disease remission and further progression. This creates a demand for local delivery devices with multiple antibacterials of mild action. The aim of the project is to engineer a biodegradable mucoadhesive drug delivery system of local action with natural active substance for periodontitis treatment. The system will be designed to release optimized levels of multiple antibacterials from Pelargonium sidoides root extract in the disease-affected area for a sustained period of time aiming for both ease of use and high patient acceptance. The project will deliver an innovative product that will help to avoid or delay surgical treatment, prevent side effects, bacterial resistance, reduce the number of severe cases and decrease societal medical costs.